Woodbourne Group plc is an English Company with registered address at 10 Harborne Road, Birmingham, B15 3AA and registered number 04302176. Together with its holding companies, subsidiaries, affiliated companies and associates is known as Woodbourne Group. Our Group companies jointly control personal data about our business contacts and their representatives.
We may retain and use personal information submitted by you via this site for the provision of services, marketing, administration, training or recruitment as listed below. This notice is intended to provide you will full and transparent information about how we use your personal data, where it is collected and your rights relation to this personal data.
Woodbourne Group website
We do not collect identifiable personal data through our website however we do have cookies in place that enable Google analytics to run across the pages of our website and collate information on how it is used. This information collation is anonymous and we cannot identify visitors to our website through it. The only part of our website where we can identify users is the Investor Log in Portal. Access to this portal is only provided to individuals who are known to us and to whom we have agreed in writing to provide access. Therefore each such individual has consented to give us their personal data in order to access the information stored on this part of our website. This data is then only used for ongoing legitimate business purposes related to our investment management activity. Our website is hosted by J2. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information on our cookie settings.
Contact database
The only third party personal data that we store at Woodbourne Group is the contact details of those people we have done, are doing or may potentially do business with. We do not engage directly with the end customers of our customer funds’ investments. Therefore almost all of the contact details stored on our corporate contacts database are professional contact details which are related to our involvement with them in a business to business capacity. We do not carry out any profiling activity and the only data we store in relation to third parties are: names, telephone numbers, email details and business addresses. Each of our employees has access to this data and are made aware that this data may only be accessed and use for genuine business-related reasons. When a third party emails a Woodbourne Group employee or engages with Woodbourne Group in a business relationship, it is assumed that we have their consent to store their contact details for ongoing contact of a similar type on the basis of us having a mutual legitimate business interest. We do not use third party personal data for any other reason, and we do not sell or transfer this data outside the EEA. We review our contact database annually and delete contact details that we think are no longer relevant to our business.
The premises at 10 Harborne Road, B15 3AA have CCTV in operation from when you enter the front door. We have CCTV to provide us with protection and evidence in the event of theft or misconduct. Recordings are kept for 30 days and not accessed other than to review in the event of theft or relevant misconduct. This data is not transferred outside Woodbourne Group, other than to the Police or professional advisers as required following an incident. If you agree to attend a meeting at 10 Harborne Road it will be deemed that you consent to this CCTV recording.
Marketing Activity
We use personal data for marketing purposes. This includes informing you about products and services that we think may be of interest to you and providing you with related materials such as news items and blog posts. These communications may relate to any current member of our Group and any future members of our Group.
We will only make contact with you for marketing purposes by email if you have given us your consent to do so or if we have a legitimate interest in doing so (to develop our products/services and grow our business). However, we might also contact you for marketing purposes through other channels such as by telephone or post unless you specifically request us not to. You might also be contacted through any channel for other communication purposes – for example, if you have purchased a property we will contact you to ensure you are updated with progress.
You can ask us or third parties to stop sending you marketing messages at any time by following the opt-out links on any marketing message sent to you or by contacting us at any time. Where you opt out of receiving these marketing messages, this will not apply to personal data provided to us as a result of a purchase, product/service experience or other transactions.
If you would like to keep up to date with our marketing activity and news please follow us on our social media channels.
Woodbourne Group plc is the Data Controller for the information described above. If you would at any time like to contact us or request that we remove you from our contact database, please email your request to info@woodbournegroup.com
Please be aware of your rights to request for all personal data to be deleted or provided to you. Please refer to the ICO website for the details of your rights in relation to Personal Data. https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/